Is Anybody Listening? — Theatrical Concert and Webcast


Is Anybody Listening?, a Theatrical Concert and Webcast, is a new project that we’re very excited about. It’s a new way of bringing Inspirational music right into your living room – Live from New York!

Last year, Watchfire Music artist Julia Wade toured her concert of Peter Link’s music to 23 cities in the US.  We received countless letters from people around the world asking when she would be coming to their communities as well since they weren’t able to travel to America or New York City. 

Now we’ll be able to come to you – right into your living rooms. How?  In the next year, not only are we releasing and promoting many new CDs of inspirational music, but also we’ll be performing much of this material in a series of state-of-the-art webcast concerts live from the stage of New York City’s Sheen Center. 

And the project we’re most excited about is entitled, Is Anybody Listening? – an inspirational concert that we’ve been developing for the past several years.  It started in New York City as The Watchfire Music Listening Room where, for two years we presented sold out concerts featuring many of our artists. 

Each evening was designed around an intimate setting, where the artist featured could have a close personal experience with his or her audience. The intimacy was powerful, but as we grew in audience attendance and fan following we had to move into larger and larger venues thus losing some of the intimacy.  

We realized that if we could keep the venues small and intimate, but webcast the experience, we could reach the world. 

Then this past summer Watchfire Music presented three most successful concerts as Listening Room experiences at Summit, New Jersey’s Mondo Arts Center.  

These concerts featuring Julia Wade evolved into Is Anybody Listening?  Both Jenny Burton and I were guest artists in the concert. The audiences raved, and, once again, people from around the world wrote to us wanting to know when we might be coming to their cities.   

With your support, that’ll be very soon! 

We invited the producers from NYC’s Sheen Center, a new theater and state-of-the-art webcast facility to see the show.  They got it.  And they’re working with us now. 

Soon, with your support, we’ll be able to bring our inspirational music in concerts right to you – to your meeting grounds, your churches and, yes even to your living rooms.

And all you’ll need on your end is a computer, a flat screen and a couple of good speakers.

However, we now take on the entire financial responsibility of production.  We can reduce concert ticket prices to nearly a tenth of what traditional concerts cost today, but that means that we have to have the upfront monies for production. In the past your ticket price included our travel, our pre-production, our hotel, our sound and lights, etc.  Those costs are no longer included in the ticket price, but there are still hefty costs of production that we have to meet.

This is why we come to you, our like-minded community.  We need your support.

As to Is Anybody Listening?, we believe that in this increasingly fast paced world, listening to music, listening to one another and listening to the spiritual inspiration that comes to us in multifarious ways is fast becoming a lost art.  So, Is Anybody Listening? confronts this issue in both an introspective and most entertaining fashion.  Starring Jenny Burton, Julia Wade and yours truly, it is a two-act musical romp through some of my life’s best work.  We promise you a listening experience that you’ll not forget.

This kicks off a great series of inspirational webcasts that will unite us all in lifting our hearts and brightening our lives. 

So please join us in this High Touch / High Tech endeavor and immerse yourself in great music — from wherever you are.  Let us bring this experience into your heart, mind and home — Live from New York.

And so we ask again, Is Anybody Listening?

Peter Link at The Watchfire Music Listening Room

We are very grateful to you and to many who have already supported us along the way: Rockethub and their powerful platform, helping us to “Make It Happen!”; Third Church at 583 Park Avenue, NYC; Shetler Studios, NYC; all of the great presenters of Julia Wade’s National Tours; Mondo Art Center, Summit, NJ; The Sheen Center, NYC; and all of our wonderful audiences who have supported us and continue to support — that’s you! 

Jenny Burton at The Watchfire Music Listening Room

As you scroll down this page, take a look at the column to your right:  Here we give back in the form of GOODS: a multitude of inspiring music for you to enjoy, experience and share.  We hope you have fun choosing from a large array of choices and artists.  Plus, stay tuned because we’ll be highlighting more music and artists on special weeks throughout this project!

Julia Wade on Tour 

Finally, we welcome your questions, comments and supportive ideas around this project. Please feel free to email and post on the Conversations tab above. (email:

Jenny Burton’s most recent release, “The Best of Jenny Burton” — some of her greatest hits spanning a 30 year career.

Noah Marlowe’s Debut CD, produced by Peter Link, “Inventions Of The Mind.” 

Julia Wade’s new CD Releases:  Duets: Woman 2 Woman — Conversations With Wise Women In My Life” will be released December 1, 2015.  Julia’s new solo CD, “Certainties” will be released March, 2016.


Peter Link’s “musical of the imagination” is a re-telling of Jesus’ Feeding of the 5000 from 3 perspectives:  The boy with the loaves and fishes, Doubting Thomas and Mary Magdalene. 

Peter Link’s compilation CD, “Goin’ Home — On Heaven and Beyond” is an ode to Life and its transitions featuring a gospel choir of NYC’s finest session singers, starring Jenny Burton and featuring guest artists Tom Tipton, Catherine Russell and Julia Wade.  

Is Anybody Listening?, a Theatrical Concert and Webcast, is a new project that we’re very excited about. It’s a new way of bringing Inspirational music right into your living room – Live from New York!

See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Peter Link
Julia Wade
Jenny Burton
Craig Wagner

RocketHub, Reward, Theatre, English, Music & Radio, Media & Entertainment, Industry verticals, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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