Build An Animal Hospital w/Your Pet’s Photo



Sponsor your Pet’s photo tile and help build “the hospital built for the LOVE OF ANIMALS” – Little Critters Veterinary Hospital


Little Critters Veterinary Hospital ( is the lifelong dream of Dr. Jill M. Patt. After almost 16 years working for a corporate veterinary hospital and doing rescue work in her free time she has made the leap to start her own locally owned and operated small animal veterinary hospital in Gilbert, AZ.

Dr. Patt has always realized that our pets are much more than just pets, they are family, and her hospital is focused on this human-animal bond.

In an effort to fund-raise for our hospital and the rescue she works with (Animal Doctors to the RESCUE) she has elected to have owners sponsor a PHOTO TILE OF THEIR PET (from their photo) which will be used throughout the construction of the hospital for everyone to see for years to come. 

The sponsorship of your pet’s image will be directly responsible for building “the hospital built for and from the love of animals.”  

Sponsored tiles will be mounted on the front reception desk and on the walls of our hospital. Funds raised will be used to pay for the tiles and their install, hospital construction, life-saving equipment in our hospital and a donation of 10% will be given to Animal Doctors to the RESCUE ( if we meet our goal.  

Tile options

  1. Sponsor a 4×4 inch tile $75.00 
  2. Sponsor a 6×6 inch tile $150.00 
  3. Add your pet’s name $20.00
  4. Add a short (5 words) statement $35.00

Consider an additional donation for each pet or tiles of all your furry family members

Photos or saying with objectionable content will not be accepted. We are a family oriented practice :) 

Help build a locally owned and operated veterinary hospital and memorialize your pet for life. 

Photo suggestions:

  • A face shot of your pet as he/she appears today – dogs, cats, Birds, Reptiles, Rabbits, Ferrets, Rodents – all are accepted. 
  • A memorial to a lost pet that gave your life meaning 
  • A baby photo of your pet
  • A lovely landscape photo of your pet
  • A funny photo of your pet
  • A group of  your furry family members
  • A sponsored tile for each furry family member
  • A logo tile of your business is acceptable if it includes an animal

LEARN MORE about Little Critters Veterinary Hospital and Dr. Jill M. Patt on our
web site
and our Facebook page

Our hospital is currently under construction with an expected opening date of 1/18/2016.

Photos of pets and tiles are shown as well as our actual construction photos.  We will continue to upload photos of the construction process and of the installed tiles as the project continues.

TILES:  Please note a tile will not be sent to you, they are used in the construction and decoration of the hospital.  

PHOTO SUBMISSION: For every tile you sponsor, please email the highest resolution photo you have to and place “razoo tile” in the subject.  If you wish to add your pet’s name and /or a 5 word statement please include sponsorship for these and add it in your email submission.  

LITTLE CRITTERS VETERINARY HOSPITAL: Is a privately owned and operated for-profit small animal hospital serving all dogs, cats and exotic pets in Gilbert, AZ. We also work with Animal Doctors to the RESCUE to provide sick and injured homeless pet care but the hospital is not a non-profit and sponsorship is not tax deductible. 


Thank you for helping to build our Animal Hospital,

Jill M. Patt, DVM 

Thank you for helping to build our Animal Hospital.



In an effort to fund-raise for Little Critters Veterinary Hospital and the rescue Dr. Jill M. Patt works with (Animal Doctors to the RESCUE), owners can sponsor a PHOTO TILE OF THEIR PET (from their photo) which will be used throughout the construction of the hospital for everyone to see for years to come.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Jill M. Patt, DVM

razoo, Donation, Consumer, United States, Pets, Construction, English, Arizona, Veterinary, Medical & Healthcare, Industry verticals, Regions, Real Estate & Construction, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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