Wings to heaven, clothing for babies born sleeping

Wings to heaven, clothing for babies born sleeping

Bespoke clothing for babies born sleeping, designed to help them return to heaven expressing their true identity.

 I am hoping to start up a business hand making bespoke clothing for babies born sleeping.

Heartbreakingly many mothers every day give birth to the baby they have longed to hold for months or even years and have to come to terms with the fact that their beautiful innocent angel is sleeping. Even as I write this I feel a physical pain towards those families who face this very real nightmare and can not begin to imagine what must go through the mind of a greiving mother.

I have spent a long time wondering how I can give, not mend because this is impossible, but help families thrown into this truly devastating time even just a tiny amount and came up with my idea.

Based on the undeniable fact that these babies, who are born sleeping, are angels destined to return to heaven having imprinted their tiny hearts on our Earth for such a short amount of time I knew that it was fitting to return them expressing their true identity.

Wings to Heaven, as it is currently called (alternative names are humbly appreciated) is a bespoke, personalised and handmade clothing service for those babies born sleeping. There are innumerable things for a mother who has lost to think about, so I have done the thinking. Creating perfect 100% cotton sleep suits with handstitched angel wings made from high quality lace, cashmere booties with angel wings and a perfectly fitting hat with lace ‘halo’ trim I hope to be able to provide a small amount of help by giving these sleeping angels the perfect clothing to help them on their return to heaven.

I hope to also be able to use lace that is special to the family, for example from a wedding dress, if they wish.

Wings to Heaven, as it is currently called (alternative names are humbly appreciated) is a bespoke, personalised and handmade clothing service for those babies born sleeping. There are innumerable things for a mother who has lost to think about, so I have done the thinking. Creating perfect 100% cotton sleep suits with handstitched angel wings.
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Crowdfunder UK, Reward, Consumer, Baby/Maternity, United Kingdom, English, Textiles, Manufacturing & Production, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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