Whiskey Barrel Coffee was created while looking for a specific experience. There wasn’t anything on the market that delivered what I was looking for, and pouring whiskey into my coffee just didn’t cut it. I didn’t want a whiskey flavored coffee, I wanted something that starts as coffee and finishes as whiskey, because whiskey finishes. I started working on creating something that would slow the coffee experience down and return coffee to the table as a conversation piece.

Coffee, for most people, is the daily ritual of a drive through and a paper cup, then trying to drink your coffee while driving, focusing mainly on not spilling. Coffee has always been something different for me. It is a pleasure that I enjoy with friends and family, bonding over the flavors of a great coffee after sharing a meal. Whiskey Barrel Coffee is designed to create that coffee experience for everyone.
After our initial experimentation aging coffee in barrels, it took another two years to perfect our process. We sourced the highest quality bourbon barrels and aged different types of boutique and high end coffees, but we still weren’t satisfied with the result. Our blends and aging process were good, but the coffee was losing its identity. Then, through a stroke of good fortune, we found and sourced a unique coffee which we named Vitoria Estate. Vitoria Estate is able to stand up to the whiskey flavors without losing its coffee identity. A 19+ screen coffee, it is the top 1.5% of all of the beans at our favorite coffee farm; the cream of the crop. The process to screen Vitoria Estate is unique to the coffee industry and was created just for Whiskey Barrel Coffee. Using Vitoria Estate as the base, we have refined the art of blending coffee specifically for barrel aging and perfected the aging and roasting process.

Whiskey Barrel Coffee is the result of two and a half years of getting it right. Every bottle of Whiskey Barrel Coffee is the product of a patiently and carefully executed hands-on process. This hands-on process allows us ensure that each bottle we ship delivers the exact experience we set out to create. We ship Whiskey Barrel Coffee all over the world to people who love sharing the experience of coffee and whiskey with their friends and family.

Our Dark and Light Roast Whiskey Barrel Coffee bottles contain 100% barrel aged coffee beans. Our signature packaging process consists of hand filling the bottles, dipping them in wax, hand labeling, and marking each one with the batch and bottle number. Every bottle of Whiskey Barrel Coffee is a unique piece of art the reflects the attention to detail and high quality that we are dedicated to.

Dark Roast Whiskey Barrel Coffee is a smooth, full bodied powerhouse of flavors. The dark chocolate and smoky flavors of the coffee flow perfectly into the complex whiskey finish. Dark Roast was created to bring people together around a new experience rooted in a shared passion for classic dark coffee and whiskey flavors. Our customers can’t get enough of Dark Roast. It is consistently our best seller.

Light Roast Whiskey Barrel Coffee is a medium bodied masterpiece of mellow coffee and whiskey flavors. Sweet and nutty with a smooth whiskey finish, Light Roast is the perfect whiskey and coffee experience for those who appreciate a lighter roast. It is a favorite shared dessert of our customers who prefer lighter coffee flavors, but still want the whiskey finish.
Angel’s Share is a blend of 100% Whiskey Barrel Coffee into our Classic Line to create small batches of a dark, smooth coffee with a subtle bourbon finish. A limited release product, Angel’s Share is a favorite of our customers who want a hint of the Whiskey Barrel Coffee experience in their everyday cup of coffee!

We would like to expand our production capacity to keep up with the demand, and offer new products to continue the evolution of the Whiskey Barrel Coffee experience. Our signature hands-on process can’t be expanded using machines. To maintain the quality and attention to detail in Whiskey Barrel Coffee, we need to invest in people who share our passion and want to become a part of the demanding process that makes our product so special.
We are faced with the challenge of boosting production and expanding our product line without compromising the quality of our product. We need your help to do this. Help us bring in new team members and spread awareness of our product to even more people.

Through Kickstarter, you will help us take Whiskey Barrel Coffee to a whole new level! We really appreciate your support and can’t wait to change the way you experience coffee.
As a thank you for your support, we are offering the following rewards:

Lets do this together!

Stretch Goal: At $100,000,000,000 we will be able to fund research to keep Tal looking young forever.
Whiskey Barrel Coffee was created while looking for a specific experience. There wasn’t anything on the market that delivered what I was looking for, and pouring whiskey into my coffee just didn’t cut it. I didn’t want a whiskey flavored coffee, I wanted something that starts as coffee and finishes as whiskey, because whiskey finishes. I started working on creating something that would slow the coffee experience down and return coffee to the table as a conversation piece.
See Campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/24460926/whiskey-barrel-coffee?ref=category_recommended
Contact Information:
Whiskey Barrel Coffee
Kickstarter, Bars and Clubs, United States, Reward, Beverages Non Alcoholic and Alcohol – Wine/Spirits, English, Colorado, Food and Beverage, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
Source: ICNW