Unsubscribe Warrior utility



Tired of those endless spam surprises just because you were surfing? Spending too many hours of your life unsubscribing from emails? Are you getting on annoying email lists? This app is your solution.

This one click utility will real time track your sites and notify you before you are subscribed so you can stop the mail. In your email program it will ask you to one-click away spam into your spam folder and a cache file, and will open the unsubscribe link in the email, go to the site, enter your email and unsubscribe you automatically. It will confirm again if a confirmation request is sent automatically.

It has filter settings so you can set how often it asks you to one-click as emails come in, and you can undo a previous action from a cache folder of emails. You can decline all newsletter mailings and override the setting with your mouse real time.

What makes this app so unique

  • The only automated app to save time handling unwanted emails from the desktop.

Why we need your support

  • finalize the team, set action plan, start writing code 3 months
  • Complete algorithms, format for windows, simulation testing
  • run simulations, beta test with graphics, debug, finalize

Tired of those endless spam surprises just because you were surfing? Spending too many hours of your life unsubscribing from emails? Are you getting on annoying email lists? This app is your solution.
See Campaign: http://www.appsfunder.com/us/fund-apps/project/unsubscribe-warrior-utility
Contact Information:
Unsubscribe Warrior

AppsFunder, Reward, English, Computers and Software, Mobile and Social Apps, Industry verticals, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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