Hi All,

Welcome to Travel and Tourist



About me.
  • Myself – BINU M S – working as a senior product analyst with Scope International Pvt. Ltd. (SCB subsidiary) and also doing freelancing. I have an expertise in the following area – Oracle SQL, Unix /Linux, Control-M, Unix Shell Scripting, Manage SEO programs on the website i.e. Keyword Effectiveness Research, Keyword Popularity Analysis, Profile Rankings / Competitive Analysis, Google Analytics, Link Popularity Analysis, Keyword Density Analysis, Expected search engine ranking, SEO Optimization – HTML pages, boost up rankings, Spam Checker, Keyword stuffing, Keyword ranking, Social media optimization (i.e FB, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Youtube, Pinterest, Tumblr etc.), Press release submission, Deals submission, Google webmaster tools, Directory submission, Article Submission,On-Page Optimization (Title tag, meta description, content optimization,meta keywords, robots etc.).

Travel and Tourist

  • TravelandTourist is a free information website provides unique, detailed explanation about the best places to visit  for a traveler around the world. This site covers beaches, places, cities, museum, hotels, gardens, trucking locations, adventurous locations, traditional foods, culture and society, etc.. All this information will be acting as a Guide for every traveler planning for a trip to choose the best for them. We explain about every place through article with the support of images, videos to make us always unique in this field, so we called as this a  “Layman’s Guide to Travel”. Around 120 countries are planned to cover up according to the project plan, initially starts with top 10 countries famous for tourism **  as per UNWTO. 

Why, How to support us?


  • This site will run as a non-profit website at the initial phase, until it starts to generate an income through advertisements / affiliations for its own maintenance. Website is under development and it will be launched in the mid of Jan 2016 as per project plan. We are seeking more fund to enrich the site with glossy design, adding new features, the addition of more articles by covering many places in a shortest span.

  • 25 – 100$ /Article

  • Development & site maintenance /month – 1650$

  • 1200$ Images / month

  • 2700$ video /month

  • Software purchase /year – 5000$

  • Server upgrades –  N/A – at this stage

  • * Cost is updated  as per 2015 market trends.

  • Funds receiving for this project will be utilized only for the website enrichment, maintenance, new article posting, software purchases, image/video purchase etc. Any server upgrade required that also will be considered according to the budget availability at the given point of time. We will be ensured that TravelandTourist’s Guide always maintains a uniqueness in quality and its delivery to the public 

  • We are running out of budget, so every contribution is valuable & important for us to lead this project towards its success. 

How do we acknowledge you?

  • TravelandTourist logo printed T shirt  for every 1000$ donations.
  • TravelandTourist logo printed Tracksuits  for every 1500$ donations.
  • TravelandTourist logo printed jerkin  for every 2500$ donations.
  • The contributor’s name will be displayed on our website under contributions list for every 5000$ donations.

Features & Impact

TravelandTourist have the following uniqueness.

  • It’s a non-profit website.
  • Free source of information for the public.
  • This site explains about every best place in a simplest way.
  • Images & Videos help more interactive for a visitor to the site.
  • Easily readable, unique structured and well organized articles.
  • Well qualified developers and writers are working for this project.
  • Every article goes through multiple levels of validation before publishing.
  • Always the quality meets the level of a Layman’s Guide simplicity.
TravelandTourist – Track records
  • Website development in progress and around 60% of the works are done.
  • Articles completed for top 25 travelling places around the world.
  • Data validation, copyrights verifications are in progress.
  • Images / Video purchases & editing works are in progress.
  • The site will be launched in mid Jan 2016 as expected.
  • Suppose the expected funding doesn’t reach us within the deadline, that will have an impact on this project; In that case, re-scheduling of this project plan with a new deadline will be required.
  • We are running out of budget, so every contribution is valuable & important for us to lead this project towards its success.
  • In a worst scenario the project itself will be suspended until the sufficient funds available.

Risks and Challenges

  • Article posting of 120+ countries has required a huge amount of fund as its charges 25 – 100 per article.
  • Images & Videos are double while we look for an average above qualities.
  • Website maintenance,  site enhancement, support team cost etc. higher charges on a monthly basis, the project cost will also increase as per new financial year 2016 compared with past year.
  • Software purchases / license renewal required bulk amount within a short span to speed up the project deliveries.
Remedies to overcome the fund issues.
Suppose there is no sufficient funds to continue this project, it will be held for a while until having sufficient funds and follow the below methodologies to resolve it.
  • Approaching third parties for a tie-up.
  • Advertisement posting.
  • Affiliations.
  • Prefer the low budget article, and do the re-editing with data validations.
  • Cut down the number of images and videos per article.
  • Suspend the website enhancement.
However, we never give up….!
“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less than perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful.”Mark Victor Hansen.

Other ways to help us

Every contribution is valuable and remarkable for us, none of the contributions are small.

Please support us by sharing this project information with your relatives, friends, colleagues via FB, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn – suppose you are not in a position to donate to us.

Please follow us on FB, Twitter & Google+, LinkeIn


BINU / TravelandTourist

TravelandTourist is a free information website provides unique, detailed explanation about the best places to visit for a traveler around the world. This site covers beaches, places, cities, museum, hotels, gardens, trucking locations, adventurous locations, traditional foods, culture and society, etc..
See Campaign:
Contact Information:

FunderHut, Reward, English, Internet, Computers and Software, Tourism, Industry verticals, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Travel & Hospitality, Language


Source: ICNW

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