Sofroniev- Architectural Landmark Luxury Shoes

“Sofroniev” is an innovative company created with the idea to produce goods, seen from an unusual angle, but in conformity with the well-known classic. We believe that the unconventional look at the visited places, combined with the familiar, classic-looking product will enable people to combine the memory of the place with their daily life. This combination is the secret of our business philosophy.

The founder of the company is Ludmil Sofroniev. His grandfather Sofron Pavlov was a saddler and was also engaged in shoe repairing. As a child, Ludmil Sofroniev was often with him and together they spent a long time. Somewhere at that time, the idea about his own product was born.

– How was this idea born, Mr. Sofroniev?

The idea about heels in the shape of architectural landmarks was born when I was a student at Svishtov Academy  in 2001. I could say I was inspired by a marketing lecture. The lecturer Assoc. Dr. Peter Banchev said then that there are a lot of things that can be invented. It isn’t necessary to be a nuclear physicist to have such ideas. Ideas that are in front of our eyes, but no one has made them up before. And he ended the lecture with: Think, think, think.

I came back at the campus and started  thinking what that idea could be. I imagined the man and the earth and wondered what could be figured out. I increased, then decreased people and the earth, and suddenly I noticed the Eiffel Tower. I imagined it on the person or under them.  What could it be? It can be a heel. But the total perception of elegant heels would be better to be turned upside down. If the Eiffel Tower as a landmark could be a heel, then the other architectural landmarks could also be. Big Ben heel with working clocks, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Sphinx, and more. So everyone would have the opportunity to combine the desire to visit or the memory of visiting this place with her daily life.

After graduating from university and started working the idea sank into oblivion. The work didn’t give me the opportunity to come back to the idea but whenever I had time to look around I started to think about it and asked myself whether my inaction will one day bring me disappointment that I have not tried to realize it. In nine years and an accident in my life I had the opportunity to devote more time to it and I promised myself to realize the idea. And even if I fail I won’t  get angry because have tried. I submitted an application for a patent in EU and US and I received it.

EU patent No.: 002102293-0001                                   US patent No.: US D731,160 S

   Today, the first product –ladies shoe with a heel resembling to an architectural landmark is a fact. I only need to develop templates for different numbers of heels and shoes to realize it on the market. I hope people will like my products and support me in its market realization.

The shoe is made of high-quality leather. On the inside, there is inner sole with memory foam placed assuring more comfort. At the bottom of the heel, there is a small piece of steel embedded for greater strength and stability.The heel caps are made of special material which prevents knocking while walking. They are more durable compared to other standard heel caps.


All these components contribute to the elegance, comfort, and durability of the shoe itself.

Everyone who ordered shoes will receive a letter from us to specify the size and model.

 $20 000 –  We will produce Eiffel Tower heel mold for all sizes of shoes and will produce the first series of models Sophia and Marie.


$50 000 – We will open Big Ben heel with working clocks mold and will produce the first models of shoes.

$100 000 – We will open Tower of Pisa heel mold and will produce the first models of shoes.
“Sofroniev” commercial activity is carried by Telbro Ltd.. Telbro Ltd. have business since 2010 with registration number 201168031 in Bulgaria; VAT number BG201168031. Telbro Ltd. is 100% owned by the founder Ludmil Sofroniev.
Timeline activities

For more information or if you would like to be a distributor please visit our 


«Sofroniev» is an innovative company created with the idea to produce goods, seen from an unusual angle, but in conformity with the well-known classic. We believe that the unconventional look at the visited places, combined with the familiar, classic-looking product will enable people to combine the memory of the place with their daily life. This combination is the secret of our business philosophy.

See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Ludmil Sofroniev

Indiegogo, Women, Consumer, Reward, English, Bulgaria, European Union, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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