



Hood Hop’s purpose is to enrich the lives of communities by bringing them together through transportation in a social, upscale, creative and affordable way.Hood Hop‘s Mission is to provide a unique transportation service to designated cities and their brightly colored communities full of sub-communities and neighborhoods. Hood Hop will maximize the consumers social- community experience by making each neighborhood within cities accessible and more importantly a 10-15 minute fun filled ride away at a great value.

Hood Hop is an exclusive transportation service company, initially serving San Francisco and it’s widely spread and diverse neighborhoods. The company has been formed as a California Corporation with Paige Johnson as the Sole oOwner. Hood Hop will be run by a fleet of Upscale Buses that serve San Francisco and all of it’s unique neighborhoods. With pick-up and drop-off stops in dozens of neighborhoods and districts, members will ride the bus lines to neighborhood-“hop” San Francisco and it’s amazing offerings. As a young girl living in San Francisco, Johnson has always noticed something missing within the community, the ways in which she was circulating and approaching her city and the methods in which are available for consumers to do so. San Francisco is booming with diverse neighborhoods, all offering a unique experience but not easily accessed at an affordable cost or fun experience. Johnson’s vision is to create a bridge between transportation and community with Hood Hop.

Hood Hops target customer ranges from the early twenties to late forties young professional. This is the consumer group that will benefit the most from Hood Hop and it’s services. Tourists and travelers will also reap the benefits of Hood Hops service, being able to explore much more of the city than a Taxi or Uber and their high prices and demands will permit. Tourists will also feel a strong sense of each community when riding along the bus lines and will be able to soak up some of the rich culture in just one night. Hotels and Hostels within each city will advertise promotions with Hood Hop for visitors to enjoy a weekend pass membership at a discounted rate while traveling. Members will benefit from the low monthly cost of Hood Hop, although guests are welcome as well for a one time low fee, and referrals will gain rewards when bringing guests along. Hood Hop Members will not only benefit from the affordable cost but also feel an immense positive change in the way they approach their own city and are able to interact with the community and network with like minded individuals.

Hood Hop is an exclusive transportation service company, initially serving San Francisco and it’s widely spread and diverse neighborhoods. The company has been formed as a California Corporation with Paige Johnson as the Sole oOwner.
See Campaign: https://www.crowdfunder.com/hoodhopsf
Contact Information:
Paige Johnson

Crowdfunder, United States, Equity, English, Public Transportation, California, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Transportation and Logistics, Language


Source: ICNW

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