Fund & Book Pre-Order For Developing Mental Ascent

Short Summary

I am Mike Ogunwale, an author with a great passion to inspire creative revolution especially in most Third World nations. The inability of many people to tap into their inner resources has been a major reason why many lag behind in pursuit of a more fulfilling and rewarding economic life. I have written a book, Developing Mental Ascent, that inspires, motivates and challenges that status-quo. And I need your support and pre-order to turn this book idea into an amazing reality. 

What We Need & What You Get

  • We require $8,500 (US) to publish this book which has received world class reviews.
  • What do you get? You will be the first to get the hardcopy of the book once it is finally out of the press. Plus I will be giving you an e-book for your contribution.
  • Your partnership on this project is most required to make it a huge success.


Risks & Challenges

The challenge here is being able to get the word of this campaign out there and noise it abroad in order to attract the desired success.

Other Ways You Can Help

Beyond the pre-sales of the book, there are other ways you can help too. Kindly help to spread the word among your friends and family and make some noise about this campaign using the Indiegogo share tools. 

Your contribution will be an encouragement to do more.

A book, Developing Mental Ascent, that inspires, motivates and challenges that status-quo. And I need your support and pre-order to turn this book idea into an amazing reality.

See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Imperium Ogunwale

Indiegogo, Reward, Books & Publishing, English, Western Africa, Africa, Nigeria, Media & Entertainment, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: ICNW

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